Seek and Find

We went on two “Nature Hunts” in the past two days, and we captured some awesome pictures.

It led to some extension lessons in the classroom. These are exactly what we were hoping for when we moved.

Who needs a textbook?! (Actually we do use textbooks, but this is pretty awesome too.)

Ready, Set, Go

We did it. We successfully began another homeschool year. Can’t wait to see where this leads us this time around!

Our plan has always been: one year at a time. We enjoy it very much, but we certainly have the expected worries about being successful in giving our kids all they need.

So, we put heads down, say our prayers, and do our best!

Back to Reality….

It’s been a bit since we checked in here, but so much has been happening. We welcomed a new nephew into the world shortly after Camp Seals, and have been taking time to collect all the cuddles we can.

For that reason we have simply been keeping our heads down working otherwise. Now we are back!!