Clearing, Trimming, and Planting…Oh My!

After morning treasure hunts and smelling the flowers, some work does have to be done.

Daddy Seals and Granddad spent the past few days clearing brush, grading the ground, and trimming trees. Now our side yard has a beautiful row of trees you can actually see and walk through.

Since this property used to be the home of a tree nursery there are plenty of rows of interesting plants and trees. Deciding what needs to be kept and how to use what’s left is our present challenge.

We also need to spruce up the house landscaping. Thanks to Grammy and GrandPop we have some beautiful foundation plants. This Gardena is the latest addition!

The picture of roses is an example of what we can find when we trim things up. I wonder what else is waiting

For now we clean up and work on our farm plan for the future. Any and all ideas are welcome!

Early Morning Treasure Hunts

It gets hot here in the summer. We have gradually figured out you can only push yourself so far before complete exhaustion. This realization led to early mornings around here.

Starting around 6 AM we are starting to get going. Usually we start the day with a morning walk around the farm. Whoever is awake joins in the walk/treasure hunt.

We said one of the goals of moving here was to give our kids some unique positive experiences. Well, walking here in the early morning highlights some pretty special aspects of living out here.

Here are their stories…..

We call this “Persistence”. This little kid turtle was spotted simply trying to cross the road. This little guy had a big dream, and with the sun on his back he kept moving.

We may or may not have scared the turtle until he peed (something I have never seen), and our youngest may or may not have touched it.

Full disclosure: He touched it and we immediately got to the house for detox.

Q: A website for what?!

A: Stay Tuned.

Truthfully, I’m the type that tends to put the cart before the horse. I figure if we aim to make a self-sustaining farm we’ll need a website someday. So, let’s check that box.

Inspiring, I know.

Here’s where we are now:

Find Sweetheart…check.





Make a Home…check

Create a self-sustaining family farm without any previous agricultural experience or know-how… (in progress)